Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do you cram?

Cram is to force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space and/or time.

During my school days, Its my nature to cram on the night before the exam. It wasnt very helpful at all but I did it anyways....duh!

I find myself cramming today. Big time, too! The deadline to submit all documents was at 9am otherwise I wont get paid. I had 50+ pages to complete. I had 1 week to finish it but at 11:45pm last night I went to bed with only 30 pages done. I was so tired and brainless. I was supposed to wake up at 6am today to finish the paperwork but I didnt get up till 8am. I crammed and didnt know how I finished it in 1 hour. I am pretty much sure the QA department will be calling me at the end of this week to re-write everything...ahh...I can just hear them yelling at me now. To make everything worst, My fax machine just quit...and it was already 9:15 AM. So I called Sue at the office and told her that my fax machine is broke and that I have to get to the nearest FedEx Kinkos to fax my paperworks. She told me that the dealine was at 9am yesterday (Monday). Huh! Dang! But she was nice to me and said this was my free pass and that next time she's not going to tolerate me. Well, I just added Sue in my Christmas shopping list....:)

I promised to be very deligent next time. I always do a great job as a Physical Therapist and all of my patients just love me but I hate paperworks! its my #1 enemy! I was told, you will never be a good therapist if you dont write well and legibly! huh! Those darn insurance companies!