Friday, December 12, 2008

Not excited for birthday present!

My husband mentioned about my upcoming birthday on the 26th...he's relieved because he doesnt have to worry about getting me my Christmas and Birthday present....and so he said...I bet you're not excited on your upcoming birthday because you already got your presents way way ahead! HE WAS RIGHT.....the excitement is over!

Way back in September, my husband asked if I want the Wii System and Wii Fit for my birthday...and an Ipod for Christmas. But I got so excited that I begged for weeks if I can get them right away. he got tired of me whinning everyday that he gve in and said, its ok with me...but I dont want to see any pouty lips on your birthday because trust me, the excitement is over when that day comes!

I dont have any patience when it comes to gifts...I hate surprises....I want to see them now! My husband usually hide the gifts so that I wont be able to find them because He knows....I can't wait 'till tomorrow. He usually give me a little present the day before my birthday to tease me....:)

This year, Im not excited anymore.......I asked my husband if he can give me my next yr's birthday present this bad....he then said, then you will really be sad next year! lol.