Monday, January 12, 2009

It's been a jungle over here!

I miss my Multiply friends....blame it to my juggling work/family schedules.

Although I dont have time to just sit down and think to blog...however, I still manage to browse your page sporadically.....I just wished I have more seems like I miss the whole world without checking my Multiply. lol.

So, what makes me busy? yeah, I want to know, too!

After thanksgiving, I signed up with another job since my regular full time job showed some slowness during the holiday so I figured to get another part time turned into full time job. I needed some extra cash for the holidays anyway. Now both jobs are busy and so my work schedules are juggling that I have to work 6 days a week! Charles has been busy at the mill too. He was down to working only 4x/wk last year because of the slow economy but it has been busy that he also works 6 days a week! I can't complain though. We've been blessed to have regular jobs and we are so thankful for that! Michigan has its unemplyment rate increased every month, so scary!