My husband surprised me today with a very long stemmed dandelion, Its amazing, I think its 3 ft long. Never seen that kind before, we usually just have few inches, or maybe a 6 inches in our yard. My husband thought it's one of a kind and picked it for me, even if it's a weed. Yes, it is a weed. Lolz. But i still think, he's very sweet and thoughtful. He knows things like that makes me happy.
It was a snowy January in 2003 when I first came to Michigan. My first time to experienced "snow". But months later, I get so bored and longing for that hot summer very humid Philippine weather. I waited and waited...and finally, Spring came, and so does the Dandelions. There was only a few in our yard and told my husband we need to plant more of them. He said, trust me Sweety, you would'nt want that! I didnt understand. Dandelion has a very pretty bright yellow flower, I am so mesmerized by them. How can someone not like it? I was so upset that he mowed our lawn, thus, he was cutting all of my pretty dandelions. Then, rain keeps coming and weeks later....dandelions we're all over our yard and it looks very yellow. I admit, it does look ugly. I think its the only weed that I considered very pretty!
While many people, including me, think of the common dandelion as a pesky weed, herbalists consider it a valuable herb with many culinary and medicinal uses. Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. Its leaves are often used to add flavor to salads, sandwiches, and teas. The roots can be found in some coffee substitutes, and the flowers are used to make certain wines.
And now, Im going outside, start my lawn mower and mow our dandelions away...lolz!
Dandelion Flower-------------->Dandelion Seed
Saturday, May 31, 2008
My "Dandelion" Story
Posted by
4:41 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today, I was blog hopping and happened to browse my high school classmates blogsite. One entry that really struck me is titled "Waking Up Early"
heres the link: she wrote about her personal struggle about waking up early....:)
Here's my comment that I posted in her blog:
so, how was it? I wanted to know if it works…
We are so much alike….Im not a morning person, never was! When i was living at home, my Mom used to drag me from bed to the shower to get ready for school. Then in college, I picked my subjects in the afternoon schedule because I dont function well in the morning..Or should I say, im a sleepyhead. At present, I am fortunate to have a job that I can pick my own hours, soo glad for that!
It has been a struggle. My husband could attest to that! We are so totally opposite, he likes to be at least 15 minutes early from his appointment. He gets up at 5am to drive 1.5 hrs to work one way…and never been late at work, if its a snow day, he usually leaves 30mins early. (for the high gas prices now, thank God for his Hybrid Toyota Prius). And i love to go fishing, and every time we go fishing, he has to drag me out of our bed (same way my Mom did when I was in grade school..lolz) because we had to leave by 6am sharp!
I really need some help! lolz.
Posted by
12:51 AM